″Our culture is what binds us″

Marina Lund

Longview is an organisation driven by its purpose, it is our guiding star, our mission statement, it determines our ambition and our progress.

Our purpose is clear; for Longview to deliver excellence in performance and client service, to be a sustainable firm for the long term and to nurture and preserve our culture.

Our culture is unique for its breadth and depth. It is present in all that we do as it is our culture and our competence that together enable us to deliver on our purpose.

To preserve a culture, one has to live by one’s values, and that is hard, it takes constant and deliberate effort. This is something we are all deeply committed to.

″We are one team″

Ben Welsher

Living by our values is a deliberate effort, but it is only through doing so, that we can preserve our culture. This is how we seek to achieve a successful and sustainable business.

Absolutely key is our belief that we are one team: we believe that no one individual or team can bring success; it is only by working together that we can achieve success as a firm. Be honest and take responsibility for what you produce. What you do is important.

We take collective responsibility for our mistakes, not blame others.

″Deliver excellence in all we do″

Paul Crinion

Culture is of critical importance to Longview and the achievement of its purpose. Longview’s unique culture has been nurtured over nearly 20 years by all those who have worked at Longview and is something that we speak about widely and are proud of.

One of our critical values is our belief in continuous improvement. We are curious and thirsty for knowledge and understanding and never stop learning. Conversations are co-operative, productive, learning experiences, not just opportunities for transmission.

Key Principles


Longview is focused on performance and client service rather than growth for its own sake.


Longview has a single disciplined investment process, which is clearly articulated to our clients.


Longview will always be a rewarding, challenging and team-orientated place to work.


We are one team.


We have a common purpose.


We believe in continuous improvement.

The “Culture Audit” was conducted by an external compliance consultant in Q2 2023, in accordance with a written Terms of Reference agreed at the outset. No material conflicts of interest in the context of this business relationship have been identified. A monetary fee was paid by the firm for the work conducted by the consultant.